Adomania Sample Inspection Checklist

To ensure you do not miss out on any of the wonderful features Adomania has to offer, we have drawn up a checklist to help you navigate the resources as you inspect them.
The course provides many book and digital resources over the 4 levels, and it is essential to assess the course looking at the whole course, not just the text and workbooks.
Adomania is based on task‐based methodology, L’approche actionnelle or TBLT (visit
Note: To make the most of this inspection, we recommend that you have access to a computer with a CD/DVD‐ROM drive and a good internet connection.

Australian website:
Have you:

  • watched the presentation video of Adomania from the website? This is highly recommended as an initial presentation of the course and its components.

Student textbook:
Have you:

  • understood the division of Étapes and their task‐based elements—introduction; 2 study lessons; Cultures; Éntraînement; and Evaluation?
  • noted the dossier at the end of every second Étape that is dedicated for preparation toward the DELF exam?
  • browsed the supplementary lift‐out Transcripts booklet, which will include the students’ “Can do” section in the English edition? (online for levels 3&4)?
  • inspected the DVD‐ROM, which includes mp3 audio and 8 video clips? (Note the free download instructions inside the covers if no disk drive is available.)?
  • noted the audio for the first 3 Étapes of level 1 are in two speeds? Version lente and version normale?
  • noted the intercultural question at the beginning of each page Cultures?

Have you:

  • understood the division of Étapes and their task‐based elements, which include exercises on vocabulary, grammar, conjugation, and phonetics?
  • noted the “Apprendre à apprendre”, (Learning how to learn) sections and the “Astuces” throughout the Workbook, assisting students to learn the language by developing patterns and strategies?
  • inspected the Disciplines non‐linguistiques (Subject integration e.g. maths, geography) section at the back of the Workbooks 1&2?
  • inspected the Ateliers d’écriture (writing activities by genre) at the back of the Cahiers 3&4?
  • listened to the audio CD? (Note the free download instructions inside the covers if no disk drive is available)?
  • logged onto Parcours Digital® with the unique code given at the front of the workbook?

Teacher’s guide:
Have you:

  • downloaded the Guides Pédagogiques available from the website?
    NB: Take careful note of your login and password for this site. Find the tab “Accéder aux ressources complémentaires gratuites (les guides pédagogiques, les fiches d’exploitation vidéo)” after creating your account and logging into your “Espace perso”.
  • read the methodology pages (key to the course) pages 5‐23, with careful attention to the Compétences extra‐scolaires pgs 22‐23 and their detailed expansion at the beginning of each Étape as the Compétences Clés?
  • noted the PDF photocopy masters at the back of the Guides for tests, Révisions and Approfondissement? (only available in the paper and eBook versions)

Other key features to note:

  • take a look at the enseigner TV5MONDE website. The Adomania videos have been selected by Cavilam and didacticized with photocopy masters, subtitles and other resources free on this website. They can be used with any course.
  • take a look at the Blog of Hachette FLE. You will find useful videos, podcasts, etc.
  • Language Perfect has the vocabulary of Adomania on their lists for subscribers
  • on the website check:
    • the photocopy masters of the Australian Worksheets for use with level 1 (free access)
    • the “Can do” portfolios for levels 3 and 4 (included in the Textbook insert for levels 1 and 2)
    • the detailed components for each level, with particular care to the *pack option for each level : text + workbook + eBook code for students
  • not available for inspection, but key to the course, is the Numérique classe, the eBook for the teacher, containing the Livre élève, Cahier, Guide pédagogique, all Corrigés, PDFs, games and activities and integrated audio and video – one code card per level with one code permitting 4 user applications. This code card is not a subscription but a purchase without expiry date.
  • *the Numerique étudiant code card, eBook for the student, provides the Livre and Cahier in the French version, or the Textbook and Workbook in the English edition (for levels 1 and 2). *This is the same product for the student enclosed in the pack option above.
  • visit the website and select the EN tab for English. This website is key to the Download of all audio and video, access to the Parcours digital, and instructions on downloading the eBook resources.
  • familiarity with its contents for teacher and students is important.

Privacy note: with the Parcours Digital and eBook, at no time will students be entering their personal details nor email. All online resources are accessed by the codes provided within the books or on the eBook code cards.
We look forward to receiving your feedback.
And if you have any questions regarding the course, please do not hesitate to contact us.